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The church has the flexibility to organise and engage in fundraising events, but it's important to note that there are regulatory guidelines and recommendations governing such activities for charitable organisations. At MCM, we possess the necessary experience and expertise to provide guidance and support for churches in ensuring compliance with these fundraising event regulations.


It's important for charitable organisations to familiarise themselves with the Charity Commission's guidance on fundraising events and ensure they are in full compliance with these regulations to maintain public trust and operate transparently and ethically. At MCM we provide needed assistance to ensure a church meets its objectives and obligation for meeting compliance.

  1. Donations and Fundraising: Solicit donations via various channels: online, direct mail, and events. Host fundraising events like galas, auctions, and bake sales.

  2. Grants and Foundations: Research and apply for grants from government, foundations, and aligned trusts. Follow grant reporting rules.

  3. Regular Giving Programs: Encourage ongoing donations through direct debits or standing orders. Create loyalty programs to retain contributors.

  4. Corporate Partnerships: Collaborate with businesses for sponsorship, marketing, and donations. Seek in-kind support.

  5. Legacy Giving: Promote legacy giving in wills and estates. Offer guidance to potential legacy donors.

  6. Crowdfunding: Launch campaigns on platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe and sse social media and storytelling.

  7. Online Fundraising Platforms: Set up secure online donation platforms on your website and optimise for search engines.

  8. Membership Programs: Develop programs with benefits for regular contributors and maintain member connections.

  9. Trusts and Endowments: Establish funds for stable income and seek expert advice.

  10. Merchandise Sales: Sell branded products and use e-commerce platforms.

  11. Community Fundraising: Engage communities with sponsored activities and partner with local businesses.

  12. Gift Aid: Encourage declarations for extra funding and follow regulations.

  13. Awareness Campaigns: Raise awareness through PR, social media, and outreach. Collaborate with influencers.

  14. Government Funding: Explore government programs and comply with requirements.

  15. Compliance and Transparency: Follow Charity Commission regulations and maintain financial transparency for donor trust.


For a UK non-profit organisation including charities and churches raising funds is crucial to support its mission and operations while complying with UK laws and regulations. It's essential to have a diverse fundraising strategy and adapt it to your organisation's specific needs and goals. 

1. Transparency and Accountability: Charities must openly communicate how funds are used and be accountable for their fundraising activities.


2. Legal Compliance: Fundraising events must adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.


3. Financial Reporting: Charities must maintain accurate financial records and make reports available for review.


4. Donor Consent: Charities need explicit consent to use donors' personal information for fundraising.


5. Protecting Vulnerable Donors: Special care is required to safeguard vulnerable donors.


6. Professional Fundraisers: Clear agreements are necessary when working with professional fundraisers.


7. Charity Trustees' Responsibilities: Trustees must oversee and manage fundraising activities responsibly.


8. Regulatory Reporting: Serious fundraising incidents should be reported to the regulator.


9. Public Trust: Charities must maintain trust through ethical fundraising methods.


10. Complaints Handling: Charities should have procedures for addressing donor complaints.


11. Risk Management: Risks associated with fundraising events should be assessed and mitigated.


12. Data Protection: Charities must follow data protection laws when handling donor data.


13. Promotional Materials: Materials should accurately represent the event's purpose and use of funds.


14. Monitoring and Evaluation: Charities should regularly assess and improve their fundraising activities.

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